Piano by Joshua Rawlings and Joshua "Budo" Karp She has filled my heart in ways that I never knew were possible. There is nothing like the joy and happiness that comes from bringing a baby into this universe. Our daughter, Sloane Ava Simone Haggerty was born 2 months ago on May 29th. We just wanted to put out good music, directly to the people that have been here since the beginning. We didn’t want to do a big campaign or anything over the top with this. It’s where I’ve been the last year, through all the ups and downs. This is why “Growing up” felt like the right song to re-emerge with. When you try to escape yourself, life has an interesting way of creating situations that force you to come back.
#.still growing up macklemore how to
The other half is trying to figure out how to grow up myself. When I got back to the cabin the next day, Ryan had made a new beat that would eventually become the song you’re listening to. I was going back to the city once a week to attend a birthing class with Tricia. I was finally having fun in the studio for the first time in years. And I knew I had to change.ĥ months later we were recording in a remote cabin away from the density that is Seattle. When Tricia walked out of the bathroom, I knew. But in actuality the hypothetical “dad" version of me looked completely different than the man whose heart was beating out of his chest on the carpet, praying to a god or spirit I hadn’t talked to in months. I basically assumed that I'd have it all together. I held on to clear expectations of where I wanted be in my career, my age, my level of self-care, and my maturity. I’ve always had some make-believe image in my head of who I would be as a father. Scared of the process of staring at myself through a page and seeing someone that I wasn’t proud of. But I think back to that night: praying on the floor at 2am as Tricia went to the bathroom to take the pregnancy test I’d just purchased from Walgreens. It would make for a far more polished and respectable story. I wish that I could say that I was in a “better place” when I found out the news.