Sspx los gatos
Sspx los gatos

From 1971 to 1983, Father Barrielle spent an astonishing eleven years at Ecône, more fruitful than ever. Barrielle was wholly convinced that it was God who had raised up Archbishop Lefebvre to defend the Faith, the Church, the Mass, and the priesthood and he strove zealously to impart this conviction to the seminarians. Barrielle came to the aid of the Archbishop, dedicating himself to spiritual direction for the seminarians at Ecône, to preaching the Spiritual Exercises, and to teaching other, younger priests to do the same.įr. While he had some young priests coming forward to help him form the young men at his new seminary, he was lacking an older, more experienced priest for their spiritual direction. Pius X and opened a seminary in the now-famous location of Ecône. Barrielle was relegated from the central retreat house of his order to a distant house in the north of France.Īround that same time, Archbishop Lefebvre founded the Priestly Society of St.


Vallet’s Congregation came under severe pressure to update (meaning to water down) the Ignatian exercises. Yet the modernists who took over the Church in the wake of the Second Vatican Council could not tolerate the traditional Catholic Faith being so strongly conveyed by the old-fashioned method of Ignatius. Barrielle spent many fruitful years spreading this precious spiritual treasure among French speaking Catholics.

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Barrielle discovered the heaven-sent instrument to pull modern men out of their distracting whirl of activity and set them, by several days of serious prayer and penance, firmly on the road to saving their souls.įr. Vallet’s new Congregation for the purpose of giving the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.

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There he was “hit over the head” with his second vocation: to abandon his beloved parish and enter as a novice into Fr. Barrielle was encouraged to attend the spiritual exercises with a Spanish priest named Fr. As a young parish priest of a large city parish in France during WWII, Fr. Barrielle was probably the second most important figure in the founding of our seminary in Ecône and of the Society of St. To understand this, we must explore the life of Fr. Pius XII commented that, “We could think that Saint Ignatius wrote especially for our own times.” They have not only been approved by the Church and by almost every pope since Paul III (in 1548), but they are the most recommended retreats not only for conversion but to help attain Christian perfection.Īlthough many of the faithful attending SSPX chapels are familiar with Ignatian retreats, not many know about their important role in the early years of the Society or the reasons they play such a large part in our apostolate.

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To burdened souls they provide a true look at reality: our creation and total dependence upon almighty God, the purpose of life, our duties towards Him, the correct understanding of God’s mercy, the consequences of our abuse of His mercy, and what it truly means to know, love, and serve Him. The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius give a decisive answer to this diabolical disorientation. With such disorientation in our society and even in the modern church, how are we to learn to see clearly so that we might become a part of the solution? Even modern churchmen contribute to the confusion by preaching a watered down, materialistic, ecumenical gospel that has little to do with the message of Our Lord. The problem is not only in the shopping malls and on the internet. With the wisdom of Christ, faithful Catholics must learn to quiet this din to hear the voice of God. The clamor and noise of modern media and technology further attempt to drown out any still, small voice that might speak of eternal truths.

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It seems that each year these materialistic cries of our modern culture become louder and more insistent. The leaves had barely fallen from the trees here in Kansas City when the frenzy of holiday shopping began.

Sspx los gatos