All four were killed in Niger, when a joint patrol of American and Niger forces was ambushed on Oct. This is the reality that lies behind the names that come to rest at last on monuments in the leafy squares of busy American towns.FILE - These images provided by the U.S. The reason we print it now is that, last week, President Roosevelt and Elmer Davis and the War Department decided that the American people ought to be able to see their own boys as they fall in battle to come directly and without words into the presence of their own dead.Īnd so here it is. But the words do not exist to make us see, or know, or feel what it is like, what actually happens. The reason is that words are never enough. Read Next: Footage of ISIS ambushing U.S. What shall we say of them? Shall we say that this is a noble sight? Shall we say that this is a fine thing, that they should give their lives for their country? Or shall we say that this is too horrible to look at? Why print this picture, anyway, of three American boys dead upon an alien shore? Is it to hurt people? To be morbid? Special Forces soldiers fought and died bravely that day. We stripped the propaganda aspect from the video and put it in its proper context as video that proves that U.S. Others had picked up on it and jihadists were using it for propaganda, allowing them to control the narrative. It should be noted that we did not film the video in question nor were we the first to publish it. This is why we have a crisis with media bias today as outlets simply peddle accepted views to their key audience. In reality, news outlets lose money by publishing material which rubs their demographic the wrong way and by offending potential advertisers. Those people clearly do not understand how news outlets make money. Some say that we cynically published this video for profit, as some kind of war profiteering. The helmet cam footage is a piece of hard evidence, one which depicts factual events.
The ambush in Niger has also been subject to myths, rumors, and propaganda as were events in Jordan and Benghazi. The video clearly demonstrated that these soldiers were murdered in cold blood, and dispelled many of the myths and misconceptions about what happened that day. We did so when CCTV footage of the three Green Berets in Jordan were murdered by a turncoat checkpoint guard emerged. This is not the first time that SOFREP has published video footage of U.S. We understand why they would feel that way. Many would say that we failed to strike that balance in this case. When deciding whether or not to publish potentially harmful material, one has to strike some kind of balance weighing the need for further information versus the potential anguish that said information could cause.
#Leaked video ambush niger full
We understand full well the anger of the family, friends, and teammates of those who perished that day. You can’t demand facts and simultaneously be protected from them. At SOFREP we charted a course which we remain on to this day - that we will report the truth even if it hurts even if we find it disturbing. You can’t serve both masters, and decisions had to be made. Early on, it became clear to us that we could not exist in both worlds, behaving as both active duty government employees (which we no longer were) and also as journalists trying to write about the reality that unfolded. Many were clamoring for the facts, searching for the truth about what really happened that night in Libya. The first big story that SOFREP worked on was the attack on Benghazi. There is nothing satisfying about this story at all. We are willing to explain our editorial decision to publish this video, although it will not satisfy those who are angry with us. Special Forces soldiers and two support soldiers killed. They are angry and disappointed that SOFREP chose to publish helmet camera footage from the ambush in Niger back in October in which two U.S. This morning, I have heard the voices from the Special Operations community, along with many of our readers, loud and clear.